1. Copy the folder "MSG Fades" into your system folder on your startup volume.
2. Copy the system extension "Shutdown FX 2.1 INIT" into your system folder.
3. If you have an older version of Shutdown FX installed, throw it away and restart.
4. If you haven’t restarted by now, either restart or run the control application "Shutdown FX 2.1" to install Shutdown FX.
1. Copy the folder "MSG Fades" into your system folder on your startup volume.
2. Do exactly one of the following:
- Copy the startup application "Shutdown FX 2.1 startup app" into the "Startup Items" folder in your system folder.
- Copy the system extension "Shutdown FX 2.1 INIT" into the "Extensions" folder in your system folder.
3. If you have an older version of Shutdown FX installed, throw it away and restart.
4. If you haven’t restarted by now, either restart or run the control application "Shutdown FX 2.1" to install Shutdown FX.
THE PACKAGE (a detailed explanation):
Shutdown FX is a fun little software package which will let you fade the screen to black with one of over 60 graphic effects whenever you restart and/or shutdown your Macintosh. It is a three-part package.
The first part of it is a control application ("Shutdown FX 2.1") which lets you install, disable, and preview fades. It also lets you change options like when Shutdown FX actually fades the screen, how soon in the shutdown queue it executes, and how it picks its graphic effects. If you don’t like a particular fade, you can disable it, and Shutdown FX will know not to select it when it selects its graphic effect.
The second part is a system extension (or startup application), which will install Shutdown FX whenever you start up your Macintosh.
The third part is the fades themselves, which are in a folder called "MSG Fades". This folder should be put in your system folder, so that Shutdown FX can find the fades when it needs to. Each fade is in a separate file, so if you know you’ll never use a particular fade, you can just throw away the file. (Please don’t redistribute the Shutdown FX package without all the fade modules.)
TROUBLESHOOTING (instead of shooting me):
This version of Shutdown FX hopefully fixes the last of the bugs introduced in version 2.0ß, which completed transformed the way Shutdown FX works. This last bug only occurred on very old machines, but that doesn’t make it any less important than any other problem.
To the best of my knowledge, this entire package works on all machines running system 6 or later, but there may still be some compatibility problems that I haven’t noticed. If you find a bug, an undocumented “feature,” or simply something you don’t like about this version, please let me know. Information about your system software and hardware will help me track down the problem. (The user who reported the bug that led to this version also gave me a Macsbug stack crawl, which allowed me to release this new version within an hour. But any information you can give is helpful.)
THE FINAL WORD (or two):
The Shutdown FX control application has an extensive help section that should answer all your questions. If it doesn’t, ask me directly...